Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Second Self Developed Roll
These are images from my second roll of self developed film. However, I did cheat and get these scanned at Walgreens instead of scanning them myself. This was the roll that was in the tank when it cracked open, but luckily they weren't ruined (even though the entire lab now smells like fixer).
First Self Developed Roll
These are my favorite images from the first roll of film I shot, developed, scanned, and edited by myself. It took me almost an hour to open and spool the film- I don't recommend an industrial can opener to open up a roll, ha. Overall I'm extremely pleased with how these came out.
Cracked Tank, and Other Current Projects
Since my last post, I've learned how to develop my own film and developed two rolls. I will share some of those images in their own post.
I've also continued to work on anthotypes and photosynthesis prints, but the lack of sunlight has made it very slow work. Considering there is already snow on the ground, it looks like I'll be investing in a UV lamp soon.
In the coming weeks I hope to work on mixed media projects, mostly having to do with creative matting, stacked prints, and distressing.
I also just found out from my photography teacher that I need to start doing drawing exercises to suplement my portfolio and to prepare me for college. Since I know absolutely nothing about drawing, this is a little daunting. I hope that it will positively influence my artist skills, though.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Photosynthesis Printing
In person, the image is much more prominent.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Construction Paper Printing
For this project, I printed a high constrast image on an inkjet transparency sheet taped it to a piece of construction paper. It was left in the sun for a few days and this is the result.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Current Projects
Friday, September 21, 2012
More Anthotypes
Both were edited in Photoshop to make the images more pronounced.
Monday, September 17, 2012
In addition to my Independent Study, I also am in Advanced Photography IV. Our first project was to explore the topic of Home, which I did through this diptych.
They were taken with an Argus C3 and Spartan 400 film, with the double exposure in the second image done in camera.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Anthotype: Round One
I coated watercolor paper with the solution and let it dry, then stacked it in a clear frame with a paper positive. It took three days at 3-5 hours of sun per day to complete.
I have a variety of projects planned for the year, including anthotyping, in camera cyanotyping, and various 35mm/120 film processes. My hope for this blog is to be able to connect with other students working in these areas and to record my methods for future use.
This blog will be under construction for the next week or so, but I hope to get everything set and start sharing projects soon. Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to interacting with you.